Do you wear the same outfit all year round? Well, the same goes for your Etsy store - you don't want to keep your summer listings on your storefront when fall is already knocking on the door.
Your Etsy front page is the window into your creative world, and just like any storefront, appearance matters. The first page of your shop, what we call the Etsy storefront, can captivate your visitors and convert them into buyers. Think of it as the showcase that introduces your brand's essence.
Let's take a look at how to curate an appealing Etsy storefront for the Holiday Season. You will find easy-to-follow steps on how to edit your storefront below. But before we get to the 'how-to', let's look at several key ideas on what to include there:
1. Showcase the crème de la crème in your Etsy featured area
Start by activating your Etsy Plus subscription. Etsy Plus will allow you to turn the 'Featured' area of your storefront into a spotlight for your high-priority sections and best-selling products. It's practically free for $2/month, the rest you get as Etsy Ads and relist credits.

When deciding what to feature, prioritize your bestselling sections and products - listings and images proven to capture the crowd's attention.
Follow the same idea when choosing how to arrange your front page listings - always make sure to include best-sellers in the first 2-3 rows of your front page.
2. Embrace the current Etsy trends and seasonality
Make sure to feature seasonal listings that resonate with what's in demand on Etsy this time of the year.
This not only keeps your storefront fresh but also creates a sense of urgency and relevance, encouraging your Etsy visitors to complete their purchase.
As part of the Etsy SEO Success package, you are already receiving your monthly strategy with updates about the latest trends. Consider how you can implement these ideas in your storefront.
Right now we are already entering Halloween season on Etsy – go ahead and put those spooky listings front and center.
You can always check what Etsy's editorial team is pushing right now on the Etsy Editors' Picks page.
3. Unveil new collections with style
Whenever you launch new products or an entire collection, make them the star of your storefront. Feature new listings or your whole 'New Arrivals' section, to get early orders and reviews. This generates excitement and curiosity, and helps your listings to gain initial traction.
New arrivals are natural candidates for your Etsy featured area and the rest of your storefront but please note that you still need to balance between new listings and proven best-sellers.
New collections (and new babies) always get the most attention from their creators but we don't want to neglect the veterans that are proven to drive revenue and represent your brand in a great way.
4. Rotate Featured area listings and sections
To keep your storefront engaging and dynamic, consider rotating Etsy listings and sections in your Featured area periodically - we recommend once or twice per month. If you don't have the time, try to do it at least when seasons change and before peak shopping seasons for your store.
Regular updates make sure that visitors see a fresh version of your Etsy store every time they visit, which helps to uplift your brand and keep them engaged.
This approach also provides an opportunity to test which of your Etsy listings generate better engagement and sales when featured.
5. Keep a consistent branding
Consistency is key in branding, and this applies to your storefront as well. Your Etsy shop's banner, logo, and overall visual aesthetic should align. A consistent visual language creates a sense of trust and professionalism, giving your customers confidence in their decision to shop with you.
Sounds great! Now, how to do this?
Rearranging your Etsy storefront and featured area can be very easy once you get familiar with it. If you are new, just follow these steps:
6. How to rearrange your Etsy Featured area?
Click on "Edit Shop" located in the lower left corner of your Etsy cover, and then on the pencil icon under the Featured area.

Etsy Pro tip: Put two sections first in your Featured queue and then 3 more listings. Do not mix listings and sections in one line of the grid, as their thumbnails are different, and your Featured area will end up looking weird.
7. How to rearrange listings on your Etsy front page?
Once again, start by clicking on "Edit Shop" in the bottom left of your Etsy cover and below the Featured are you will find the option "Rearrange items''. Then simply drag the listings you want to put in the first few rows.

Bringing it all together
Your Etsy storefront is your canvas to craft a lasting impression. It's where you introduce your brand's unique style, top sellers, seasonal gems, and new collections.
With Etsy Plus you also gain the power to strategically curate sections, design custom section covers, and essentially blend your creativity with your shop performance objectives.
In e-commerce visual appearance always plays a pivotal role. Your storefront is one of the keys to standing out in an ocean of Etsy shops. Take the time to craft a shopping experience that truly reflects your brand's identity and invites visitors on a journey of exploration.
And with the Holiday Season closing in, don’t forget that if you need help to boost your sales, you can still apply for our “Etsy Success Program".